G. Vasilev St.Petersburg State University Of Economic And Finance, Russia


The use of information technologies nowadays is used in all spheres of a persons work, new communicational technologies are used in organizations of all forms of property. The peculiarities of the use of these technologies in not commercial field are defined by several factors, among which we point out the following.

The first: For  receiving efficient information and its effective usage its necessary to possess the methods of effective search of essential information. The volume of experience, which is needed nowadays for receiving the essential information, isnt limited by simple mechanical operation, and their acquisition requires certain technical conditions and efforts. Unfortunately collaborators of not commercial organizations very often dont possess the necessary level of informational culture, that noticeably reduces the effectiveness of their work.

The second: That is the necessity of regulation of informational streams and resources. These questions like, for example, who must and can be subject of regulation of information in electro nets; is such regulation possible from technical and whats more important, moral point of view; what information can be given free of charge, and what one only for money, havent found the answers yet and require serious consideration. Special importance of regulation, and may be, to some extent control of spreading the information, is connected with unlimited possibilities of informational elite with the help modern technologies it can influence the mind and world-out-look of almost every inhabitant of the Earth. It seems to us, that non-commercial organizations, as one of the most active subjects of civil society can take an active part in questions of regulation, and in necessary cases, protection of persons interests such informational epoch. Only non-commercial organization can help in creating such informational cultural in any society, and it let my person be protected from different negative reactions.

The third: The demand in mastering such informational technologies is very actual today among all employees in spite of their age. However, in comparison with the older generation, young people are more capable in that sphere. In case a person cant do it, he has more chances both not to be involved in a perspective work and loose this social status. Non-commercial organizations could be an instrument, preventing such social risks.

The fourth: Its impossible to manage some organizations efficiently without such, technologies. This thesis is important both for business-structure and even more for non-commercial organizations. As their activity is very important business, it means their the reaching of social effect is more complicated than getting some profit. Thats why, if any non-commercial organization wants to be successful in many spheres of activity its impossible without having a good level of informational culture.


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