Ilia Gorbunov[1] St.-Petersburg State University. School Of Management.


In modern economy all is more distinctly shown the tendency to creation by the enterprises of various coalition structures on principles of mutually advantageous cooperation. This process has an objective basis: in conditions of integration, globalization, internationalization of economy it becomes more complex to enterprises to keep and improve the competitive positions, building mutual relations with market contractors on principles of division, instead of on principles of cooperation. The modern competitive behavior can be characterized as association for survival and developments.

Search for a production efficiency and creation of new mechanisms of competition with development an information technologies causes occurrence of the organizational forms, based on principles of industrial cooperation, such as the virtual companies.

Creation of the virtual company allows to increase speed of reaction to market changes and speed of operative distribution of resources, coordination and as to reduce duration of stages of life cycle of products and services. Participation in similar cooperation networks already now is the important factor of competitiveness.

Modern forms of cooperation, such as the virtual companies, represent flexible structures on the basis of use information technologies and the integrated management business by processes at all stages of life cycle of products and services. The organization and management of virtual companies needs development of special methods and models.

The virtual company is an association of the independent economic participants, distributed territorially, carrying out interaction electronically and united the resources and efforts for realization of joint activity. The incorporated resources are kept in property of participants which at any moment can leave the virtual company having reserved the enclosed actives.

The main characteristics of the virtual company is:

- Interaction in uniform electronic space

- Voluntariness of participation

- Independence of members

- Preservation of principles of a competition

- Presence of a joint aim

- A free admission a/exit for participants

As the basic attributes of the virtual company it is possible to note, that the virtual company functions on the basis of key competence participants (or agents). Each of agents of the virtual organization put the key competence of the virtual company, thus brings in the virtual company main, the best the competence that enables to create the organization with highly effective processes. The virtual companies are substantially based on information technologies and functions as a network of the independent organizations connected by dynamic relations.

The basic idea of the concept of the virtual company consists in formation of the united organizational - technological and information environment space due to united of resources of various independent economic agents with the purpose of increase of efficiency of their activity and competitiveness. The virtual company represent the new form of the organization of the business directed on formation of the new mechanism of a market competition

Modern information technologies give qualitatively new opportunities for cooperation of independent market agents on the basis of their basic competence.

For construction of efficient control by the virtual company it is necessary to solve two basic problems:

-To define rules of the virtual company and to generate unite information space of interaction of participants

-To develop a control system intended for the decision of operative distribution separate operations according to accessible resources of participants of the virtual company and the subsequent coordination of activity during proceeding of the clients order.

Management of the virtual company occurs on the basis of the rules, with the created and supported special coordinating body within the framework of which participants operate.



Classification of the virtual companies

Criteria of classification virtual companies

Kinds of the virtual companies

Structure of management

Coordinating body in headquarters company

Coordinating body neutral

The coordinating body is distributed on a network of participants

On stability of interrelations network

A time network

Stable static network

Stable dynamic network

On character of development in time



On a way of formation

Under the project

For realization of long-term objectives

As participants type


Physical persons

The mixed participation

On a degree of an openness for new participants (barriers joining a network)



This mechanism is based on formation of the flexible structure capable operatively to react to market changes and orders of clients due to cooperation, coordination and integration of resources of independent economic agents.

As the economic agent or the participant the division possessing well defined competences can act as the independent enterprise, separate. In a basis management based on principles of inheritance by agents of positive properties with the help of processes of self-organizing in various configurations of the virtual company.

In connection with mentioned above it is represented such control system where at resource management in the virtual company with the basic organization the first contour of management coordinates interaction on the basis of a rule of interaction of participants of the virtual company, and the second contour of management corrects rules and borders of the virtual company.

The main task of operative management of the virtual company is definition by the best configuration of a network on a basis multiobjective inquiry of the client. As criteria term of delivery, the price, etc

The developed system of operative management consisting of complex models of processes, optimizations algorithms and dynamic model, should provide creation of rules for steady management of the virtual company at qualitatively new level in a mode of real time.

[1] E-mail:

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