Aspects of the development of teaching and retraining technologies of ruling staff
Igor Shishin, St. Petersburg State University Of Economic And Finance, Russia


With the development of society education, as the specific sphere of social life, which creates some conditions for selfrealization, acquires great importance. In our time education is comprehended as one of the fundaments of progressive individual development.

The term permanent education reflected the raised role of education in all levels of peoples life. Gradually the sphere of the education of adults, teaching and retraining technologies of ruling staff, split off and became independent.

The economic conditions of last decade became the main reason of increasing of popularity of diff forms of retraining. Its the source of development of teaching and retraining technologies of ruling staff (for ex., on the basis of semantic nets), definitely is comprehended in the range of practical adoption of the combination of knowledge and shills.

One of the serious problems of retraining is the nonconformity of training of ruling staff with training of chief. Many people hardly find ones feet in the methods of management and in the modern structures of organizations constructors. The lack of perspective vision and the incapability of finding ones feet in methods of management take to professional incompetence.

The informational explosion, which accompanies to the technical revolution, became the most dynamic explosion in modern society. The process of the moral becoming obsolete of knowledge accelerates, so falling behind work of yesterdays graduate is topical. It causes of the topicality of adult education. In our time systematic paints, the principals of teaching and retraining technologies of ruling staff play the great part. For getting positive results, the teaching of ruling staff should be built on the next principals: valuable stay, the adoption of educational process, immersion, reflective accompaniment in the process of teaching, well informational providing, using of the modal principle of educational plan.

Using of teaching and retraining technologies of ruling staff, being based on semantic nets, helps to solve some problems: to actives listeners, to use their knowledge and practical experiment, to assess the degree of mastering, to accelerate the process of freeing from stereotypes of directive economy and authoritarian administration, to produce the independence of passing of solution and the ability of positional fighting, to be oriented on cooperation.

In social and economic the problem of teaching and retraining technologies of ruling staff becomes more topical, because the dynamic state of market dictates that permanent education and retraining of every specialist is necessary. Teaching and retraining technologies of ruling staff positively solve the next problems: the replenishment of knowledge, approach for modern requirement and stimulation for professional development.

The necessary of the reduction of the shortage of knowledge and rising of quality characteristics of staff present the tasks of getting, mastering and passing some knowledge. Information became a product having its cost price in money equivalent. The development of the system of education must provide for the possibility of learning and getting hew knowledge during the whole life. The education becomes a hind of investment into human capital.

An increasing importance of education of staff is a common fact. Theres no country the world, which wouldnt be obliged to it by its technological, social-economic and cultural progress. And theres no country, which dashs connect its future with its further development. 

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